With the internet abuzz about developer Rocket’s ARMA 2 mod and my fondness for zombie games, it was only a matter of time until I braved the glitchy war sim that is ARMA 2 once more, but this time to try out Day Z.
Allow me to explain my position. I have had ARMA 2 for a couple of years at least. I bought it on a recommendation from friends on a long lost forum that is now empty. I tried to play it three times before I uninstalled it in frustration. It certainly sounded great and, in essence, it was. ARMA 2 is a military simulator, it’s realistic to the point of silliness, which is fine, except that for all that realism to be incorporated into a game said game needs to be incredibly complicated. The obvious result of this is that it is far from user friendly.
Now, years later, Day Z has surfaced using the ARMA 2 engine. I was interested for a week or two, but didn’t try it out due to not wanting to be anywhere near ARMA 2 ever again. Eventually I had to give in to the hype and reinstall ARMA 2 (as well as buy the expansion that’s required). I’m glad I did.
Day Z is a superb/horrifying experience that’s unlike any other. Dropping you into a vast Russian countryside that’s roamed by zombies and other players alike, your only goal is to survive as long as you can. Also loot, you should find loot too. I love loot.Do you need some dark material to help you? Please visit:http://www.myd3item.com/
Eventually Buy Guild Wars 2 GoldI had to give in to the hype and reinstall ARMA 2 (as well as buy the Diablo 3 Gold expansion that’s required). I’m glad I did.