Blizzard clearly states in their terms of service that this kind of activity is going to happen, but doesn’t spell out this scenario specifically. When asked for wow gold comment, Blizzard employees noted that it was used specifically for tracking down leaks when players are invited to participate in private beta tests. What’s more likely is that the information is also used to help track down users who are involved in behavior that violates the Terms of Service for the game.
There’s some concern from players that this information, however limited, would be enough for a user to be specifically targeted for in-game spam or more malicious activity. Some have gone as far as to release an application that helps quickly translate the QR code into binary. While Blizzard hasn’t responded to the security concerns specifically, I am sure that their response will end with “hey, have you checked out our Authenticator? ”
I would expect behavior like to this to increase dramatically over the next year. Game developers rely on user testing to help them find and fix bugs before these games are released. That system only works as long as users are willing to keep their screenshots to themselves and follow the agreements they accepted when invited to play the game. In the particular case of Blizzard, their buy wow gold Beta program goes so far as to record your system information to ensure the game runs well on a variety of hardware.