
Continue watermark event reported

Hobbyists discovered that Wow embeds personal data into most screenshots yesterday. Initially, there was some concern that the data could be directly used to hack an account – however, it has since been confirmed that the data is limited to an account identifier (not your BattleTag or email address), the IP of the realm you’re connecting to, and a timestamp.

Adam Holisky at Wow Insider claims that the information in these screenshots can absolutely not in any way harm you – “Again, though, there is no information in these watermarks that connect your screenshots to you, the person behind your keyboard, living on Dreary Lane. Only to connect your public display of cheating to your World of warcraft account and/or private server. ”

Clockwork commented on the news minutes after it came out, calling it “somewhat alarming” – “I see why they did it; most likely it is meant as a protection of NDA’s by allowing them to figure out who posted the picture (especially of unreleased content) so they can take proper action…but this opens up buy warcraft gold another can of worms. ”.

